Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 4, 2010

College day !

1st day in College .. 4th of JAN 2010 ..
No car park for me ... arghhhh ...
At first my acc cant login .. My account can check anything bout my skol even course selection .
But then it is not activated .. i nid find officer to activated it !
So how ? i went to asked from de office ..
They told me i should go to Block C level 2 Faculty of fashion ..
Ok .. From Blk A go C .. Walk all those stairs .. Haih ..
By the way i'm ill .. cough seriously + flu ..
when i eached Blk C my energy left 25%..
Goshhhh .. Felt hard to breath .. Then
The guy told me was in level 2 but then i discovered actually the faculty was in level 1
Damn it ....
Wif maii 25% energy then i go here n there repeat n repeat my steps frm Blk A-C then C-A
Going to die n faint soon ... Huhh ...
After settle all things then i bac home coz no classes for the day ..
FInally i can rest !